Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama and McCain sweep up

Obama took a majority of delegates in DC, Virginia, and Maryland on tuesday.

Clinton wrote off those primaries last week and has been focusing attention on Ohio and Texas. Where lies her last shot at the nomination.

Meanwhile, McCain and his not so straight talk express continue to take out the remnants of his opposition: Huckabee... who is actually fairing quite well.

After picking up a chunk of Romney's votes he took Louisiana and Kansas earlier in the week. He still got an average of 29% of the vote on tuesday.

For all thats worth, McCain has essentially cemented his spot as the Republican nominee.

But, he has to run against the voter base that he must have some support from in November. The more he fights Huckabee, the more votes he loses in the presidential election.

The DNC already has a McCain flipflop on Iraq video out:

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