Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Delegates: what really counts

TV pundits make a living at guessing and analyzing, and they fight for the scoop, often stumbling over each other, and all of them end up looking foolish. Super Tuesday was by no means an exception to this rule.

By the afternoon of ST the pundits were using early polls with wildly inaccurate margins of error (something like 25%) to show Hillary winning. NBC news now reports that "Obama will wind up with 840 to 849 delegates, versus 829 to 838 for Clinton." Since all of the delegates have not officially chosen candidates, these numbers come from the complex formula used by the Democratic Party.

Later this week I will put up a post explaining the different methods of counting delegates and the difference between regular delegates and super-delegates.


An Interesting quote from my favorite forum:

"Obama is favored in at least 18 of the next 24 contests and the Clintons are not allowed by law to raise more primary money from maxed-out big donors. So, it looks like Obama is right now favored to win the nomination and must be considered the front-runner. The Clintons would need new rich donors to win -- and they simply don't exist." - DU

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