Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Obama Wins Mississippi and Wyoming

Obama won 61 percent of the popular vote in Mississippi last night. He netted six more delegates than Clinton, who got 37 percent of the vote.

Obama won 90 percent of the black vote and less than a third of the white vote.

This follows Obama’s Wyoming win over the weekend, where he gained two delegates over Clinton.

Clinton won the popular vote in Ohio and Texas, but only gained seven delegates over Obama in those races. Obama’s latest wins have negated Clinton’s gains in those two wins.
"That's been the essence of Obama's strategy: To pay at least as much attention to the caucus states and the smaller states as to the primary states and the larger states,'' said William Galston, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institution. "And it's paid off.''
  • Obama has won 29 states, with a total of 13.3 million votes.
  • Clinton has won 15 states, with a total of 12.6 million votes.

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