Thursday, March 27, 2008

Al Gore to remedy dem. infighting?

The UK Telegraph ran an article concerning the possible late presidential candidacy of Al Gore. Senior figures within the Democratic party are said to be considering nominating Nobel prize winning Al Gore if Clinton and Obama continue infighting. Many fear that neither will beat McCain in November. 

Aids to the former vice-president have been discussing possibilities with the senior leaders, who are also those known as super-delegates. 

Polls have lately shown McCain stretching his lead over the other two candidates. Also, as many as a third of Clinton and Obama supporters say they would not vote for the other in November.

Gore is seen as a compromise candidate that could unite the embattled Democratic party.

Tim Mahoney, a Democrat congressman from Florida, said last week: "If it goes into the convention, don't be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket." This suggests the party would accept a Gore-Clinton or Gore-Obama pairing.

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